Month #2
Genevieve is 2 months old and growing fast. She is a very smiley, easy-going baby and brings joy to our family every time we look at her. For her age, she is amazingly good at holding her head up and has already been able to flip from front to back for weeks now. She's also able get her knees up under her belly during tummy time and move her legs in a crawling motion...trying to get away from her brothers no doubt.
The boys continue to love their baby sister, yelling "baby wake!" and running down the hall toward her bed when we hear her first cries in the morning, laying large, aggressive kisses on her head throughout the day (poor kid, she constantly looks like she's been slimed), and talking to her in that high-pitched voice that only dogs and babies can hear while holding their face only an inch or so from hers. She tenses up every time they come near her for fear of what is to come, but I'm sure that will pass..... in another 20 years or so.... right?