Month #4
How did I get here? I have somehow become the mother of 2.5 year old twin boys and a 4 month old girl. It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was too young to get married and WAY too young to even THINK about having kids. Makes me think of that saying "Who are these kids and why are they calling me Mom?" I totally feel like that some days.
That being said, I take great joy (and frustration) in my role as "Mom". I am endlessly awed at how these little people grow and change on a daily basis. The boys are amazing me everyday with their language skills and their newly discovered world of imaginative play. Genevieve continues to be an easy-going baby. As my mom says, she "eats, sleeps, and smiles." She is incredibly strong for her age. She rolls both ways with ease, loves anything that she can stand or jump in, and can get up on all fours with her belly off the ground. I seriously wouldn't be surprised if she started crawling tomorrow.
I may not know exactly how I ended up here, but I'm glad that I did (most of the time anyway. ;)