Chris & Ashley

When I met my husband, Alex, over ten years ago, the first thing he shared with me was the fact that he was one of four brothers.  Geesh!  I honestly didn't know what I was going to do with that since I come from three sisters.  But, very quickly, I felt like part of the family.  And now, I am so proud to say that I have three additional brothers, Nick, Zach and Chris (in addition to my own brother, Kevin, whom I adore!). 

Fast forward some number of years (nine, to be exact)... I received a phone call asking for my assistance in a surprise for Chris' girlfriend Ashley.  I suspected (and was right) that Chris was going to propose to Ashley.  I created a video with photos from their relationship through the years.  Chris surprised Ashley with flowers, the video, an engagement ring, and a boat cruise on Green Lake (complete with her family, which was also a surprise!). 

Chris and Ashley have a very playful and youthful spirit.  I have always admired their sense of humor, fun and flexibility.  They take risks for risk's sake.  They do ridiculous things just for the laughter of it.  They play games every moment they get.  There is no way that you can be around these two and not have fun.  So, naturally, when they asked me to take their engagement photos, I was thrilled.  I knew, no matter what circumstances we were up against (cloudy day, cold weather, fast sunset), we were going to have a blast.  And that we did! 

Our family couldn't be happier to call Ashley a Walker.   Congratulations Chris and Ashley on your engagement!  Thank you for letting me capture your happiness and love for each other!  Love you both! ~sarah



Month #5

Genevieve is 5 months old and smiley as ever! Besides having an insanely large number of diaper explosions and one awful car trip resulting in a total of 8 stops on the side of the road, it has been a great month.

She can officially move forward, backward, and around in circles on the floor and she loves her exersaucer and her jumper (neither of which is reducing the size of her chubby baby thighs!). Due to her refusal to drink from a bottle, we started her on cereal a couple weeks ago. She does pretty well with it, but still prefers to be with mom 24/7 in case hunger strikes.

The boys continue to be roughly affectionate with her, which makes me nervous, but I often notice that she has a smile on her face, even as I am pulling them off her. I know she'll be running around, climbing, and "body-slamming" with them in no time. :)

We really couldn't be happier with this little peanut.



Model Search

It happened, life got away from us once again. Those of you who have been following our Inspiration Session project have probably noticed our lack of activity in that department lately. The fall was, as always, an extremely busy time, but we are getting back on track and are re-dedicating ourselves to the professional and personal growth that this project brings... but maybe at a slightly more realistic pace. 

During this time of thanksgiving and family, we want to celebrate the lasting, mature love and beauty that comes with age.  Our culture puts an amazing amount of emphasis on being young and most people only get professional photographs taken when they are young – engagements, marriage, new babies, growing children. 

At Wink, we are passionate about documenting families and relationships, but we rarely see an older couple coming into our studio to document their life and love.  We want to use this Inspiration Session to capture what, we hope, everyone would like to have in their own life: a solid, lasting, affectionate relationship.  There is so much experience, knowledge, wisdom and love held behind those eyes and those smiles and we can't wait to photograph it!

For this Inspiration Session, we would like to honor one special couple for their commitment to each other and say “Thanks” for being a stunning example of love and marriage.  Who will the lucky couple be? This is where you come in.... we would like YOU, our followers, families, and friends to send us nominations for the Wink Timeless Couple. It could be your parents, grandparents, friends, or just a lovely couple down the street. 

Our couple should be a minimum of 60 years old and be comfortable being affectionate (holding hands, talking, laughing, kissing, etc.) in public and in front of our camera. .  We would like to have a couple who hasn’t been photographed in a while, preferably a couple who has been married at least 25 years (this session would be perfect for a couple who is celebrating a big anniversary!). 

If you know a couple that you would like to nominate, send us an email at with your nomination, a short paragraph explaining why they should be our Timeless Couple, a recent photo of them, and their contact information (used only for scheduling purposes). We will choose a couple based on information from the nominations and announce the winner on Monday, December 3rd. Nominees should be within a 30 mile radius of the Twin Cities at the time of the scheduled session.  Session is complementary (a print credit will be included).

We look forward to hearing from you!


Capturing Memories

Every morning I welcome the day with my children.  We sit on the couch and read books, have breakfast in our pj's and get ready for our day.  Some mornings it's smooth sailing, other mornings, not so much.

Every day I watch my children learn, discover, play, laugh, cry, and grow.

Every night I put them back into their pajamas, read them a story, sing them a lullaby, tuck them into bed, give them kisses and hugs and, in my heart, give praises and thanks for the beautiful girls before me. 

I see them, every day.  Grace and Madeleine.  And yet, I don't really realize how much they have grown in the past year, until I see a photograph of them.  Grace once stood as tall as Madeleine when Gretchen first started photographing our family.  Madeleine has always needed to be held, and now she is able, agile and active. 

It is these reasons that we treasure our sessions with Gretchen.  We want to remember those days when Grace was still shorter than us ('cause someday, I know she will be taller than me!), when Madeleine made that goofy expression, when Grace wore those bright pink, sparkly shoes and when Madeleine never let go of her Daddy. 

Thank you, Gretchen, for your beautiful photography, for capturing our personalities and for being such a wonderful friend!


Photographing Your Baby


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