Month #6

This month has been a whirlwind of activity and development for Genevieve and our whole family. Of course, the holiday season is always busy and, for us, it has been compounded with the fact that all of our children are seeking more independence.

The boys want to do everything by themselves ("no need help Mommy" is a frequent phrase around here these days...) and Genevieve is extremely mobile. She is sitting unassisted and has been crawling for nearly a month and a half. She is pulling herself up on EVERYTHING and is even moving along furniture. She obviously has somewhere important to be and is determined to get there as soon as possible. ;)

She eats solid foods (pureed deliciousness as well as finger foods), sleeps for longer periods at night (yay for Mom!), and wants so badly to play "rough" with Daddy and the boys. She loves crawling, jumping, and playing in the bath. She has also developed a love for our cats, who only come out after the boys have gone to bed for the night. Genevieve usually stays up to giggle at them, chase them, and try to pull their hair, ears, or whiskers off before nodding off for the night.

I wonder what another month will bring... walking? talking? driving the car?
Nothing would surprise me at the rate.



There are adorable babies and there are gorgeous babies. Ya'Niyah is GORGEOUS.  She is 6 months old, which is an absolutely delicious age to be as they are still such babies, but are really starting to "do stuff" (rolling over, sitting up, crawling, cooing, etc.). Ya'Niyah was a delight to photograph for both of these reasons, in addition to the fact that she has perfectly squeezable thighs and amazingly beautiful eyelashes. Thanks to Shannon and Jaque for the opportunity to photograph her!


Nelson Family

One of the best parts of my job is seeing the adoration family members have for each other unfold in front of the camera. The Nelsons are new clients, but when I met them for their photo session, I felt like I had known them for years. What I witnessed was a beautiful, loving family. Thanks for letting me be part of of it for a little while. Congratulations to Alexandria and Kevin on their gorgeous baby boy, Tanner, and happy holidays to you all!


Ilya Khan

I met Ilya and Alison at a "Photographing your Baby" class at Amma Parenting Center and was lucky enough to have the opportunity shortly thereafter to photograph them. Ilya is a gorgeous baby boy with chocolatey-almond eyes and just the perfect amount of baby chunk. Thanks Alison for letting me photograph your little beauty.


Foley Family

We met the Foley family at the Walker Art Center on a chilly December morning. It was our first time meeting Mengistu and what a treat it was! Besides being one of the cutest kids EVER, he was super smiley and fun. We had a great time playing the greenhouse and playing catch outside. What a sweet family...


Matlock Family

As always, we had a fun, relaxed session with the Matlock family. Both their boys have grown so much since last time we saw them. We were lucky to have a beautiful sunny day to walk around outside, swing, climb trees, play by the creek, and throw around the football. I am so honored to document the interaction, playfulness, and down-to-earth bond of this family. 


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