Farrell Family | Minneapolis Family Photographer

Okay. Seriously. This family is way too beautiful! Little Teddy kept us on our toes and baby Alexandra was just as sweet as could be. I had such a blast playing with both of them. Thanks to Monica and Ted for inviting me into their home to capture some images of their lovely family.


Genevieve 18 months | Minneapolis Child Photographer

My little girl is 18 months old, which is so weird, both because I can't believe how fast the time has gone and because she acts like she is much older than she is. She is determined to do everything the big kids do, including the morning routine in the boys preschool (she always seems surprised when I drag her out of there).

She is talking a lot more now - among her first words were "ball", "burp" (followed by a throw-the-head-back laugh), and "grandpa". In addition to a handful of other words, she has started saying some family members names, including "Arthur", "Hannah", and "Leo" which is cute beyond belief. She continues to have an acute mastery for relaying her needs, desires, and preferences through non-verbal communication and she understands EVERYTHING she hears. It really is quite amazing to see how quickly language develops in young children.

She remains my delightful baby, but is really starting to look and act more like a little girl everyday.
I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2014! - Gretchen


Foley Family | Minneapolis Family Photographer

I'm pretty sure Mengistu ran a 5K during his photo session. And he wasn't even winded. The rest of us, however, did a little huffing and puffing as we tried to keep up with him. ;-)

Active sessions like this are so fun though. Besides getting my exercise, it is just so rewarding to capture images with such genuine expressions and interactions. Thanks to Tod and Susan for being laid back and to Mengistu for keeping us busy.. and for being so incredibly adorable.


The Peters Family | Minneapolis Family Photographer

Besides the fact that they are like family to me, I love photographing the Peters because they are always eager to try something new and different for their session. We went with a Christmas theme this year and had so much fun with it. Happy holidays everyone!


Baby Sienna | Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Ah... I loved everything about this session. Baby Sienna and her family were a dream to work with. They were all calm and so obviously in love with each other. It was a magic morning that made for some beautiful images. 


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