Month #10

This month its all about personality and will! Genevieve has spent a lot of time this month using her voice, dancing (aka. baby head banging), and climbing on EVERYTHING. She has become very effective in letting you know exactly what she wants and when she wants it and, of course, letting you know when you're wrong. She has two teeth now and is working on a few more. She's still a friendly little thing (smiling and flirting with everyone), but due to some stranger anxiety, definitely prefers to be with mommy. Until next time...


Isaac is 2!

Time flies! We have been photographing Isaac since he was a newborn and I can't believe how much he has grown. It has been so fun to watch him grow into a big two year old. Here are some of my favorites of this busy little man. :) 


Birthday Boys

I have such a great time photographing Cameron and Lukas. We always do something different, fun, and colorful... and we laugh until our cheeks hurt. Thanks for being awesome. :-)


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