Month #11 | Minneapolis Baby Photographer

Genevieve is 11 months old! I can't believe how fast it has gone....although, I'm convinced that she thinks she's at least 3, seeing as how she expects to do everything her brothers are doing. She's even started trying to take care of them by wiping their backs with the washcloth in the bathtub and the like.

Some of the new developments this month are: puckering up and leaning in for kisses, an interest in books/magazines (she loves flipping through the pages and pointing to animals and faces), and walking. Yep, walking. She's been taking steps for a couple weeks now. A little cold slowed her down a bit, but she is currently up to about 6-8 steps at a time and her confidence is building quickly. She LOVES being outside and we are extremely thankful for the warmer temperatures in order for her to fill her dirt/sand quota each day. It promises to be a busy summer of chasing after and hosing kids down. ;-)

Have a great week!


"Perfect" Family Photos | Minneapolis Family Photographer

Stressing about having family photos taken? I hear you.

We just had ours done and, as much as I hate to admit it, I almost bailed (or at least put it off). After a week of unseasonably cold weather, energy-draining activities, and injuries I was imagining runny noses, constant tantrums, and an annoyed husband. When I came down with a cold to boot, it all just seemed too overwhelming.  I seriously considered canceling and rescheduling for another day, but the calendar wasn't looking very promising so we went for it.

Once I decided to relax and let the little things go (seeing as how I had no control over them anyway), our session turned into a kind of "date" with my favorite people, the loves of my life. We played, laughed, and simply enjoyed each others' company. Along the way, it occurred to me that no matter how cooperative the kids were or how "perfect" everything was, it didn't matter. We were there to capture our family - how we were, right there, in that moment (runny noses and all). And that is what we did. And it was perfect.

I walked away from the session knowing that I would love the images because we had a great time creating them. Regardless of whether or not everyone is looking at the camera and smiling, the photos will always take me back to the time we spent together. That is what I hope my clients receive from their sessions with me - images that remind them of a special moment in time with the people they love the most.

Thanks to Annette Pare for her time, talent, and friendship.


Keegan | Minneapolis Baby Photographer

This beautiful little guy stole my heart with his big blue eyes and his calm demeanor in the studio. He was such a cooperative little model and just so perfect in every way. Thanks to Carla and Corey for bringing him in. What an absolutely adorable family!


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