Daily Dilemma
>> Wednesday, April 4, 2012 –
stuff to do
Kids are draining - always curious and full of energy. It seems like they have the most energy on the days their parents have the least. I awake everyday to the same dilemma: take them out and spend the day chasing after them and barking commands (“Stay close to Mommy!”, “Hold hands.”, “Don’t touch that.” ...) or stay home and face a day of irritable, cooped up kids. My fenced backyard is a godsend...or it was until my husband decided to remove a small piece of the fence, allowing the boys (who of course have super-human radar for the smallest of holes) to escape into the front yard and head straight for the street.
So, what’s a parent to do with these rambunctious little rascals? Luckily, we live in an area that has a long list of great places for kids. Here are a few of our favorites:
Choo Choo Bob’s Train Store (great storytimes on most Tuesday mornings - 10am)
Courage Center warm water pool (open swim on Wednesday evenings - 6:30-8pm)
Como Zoo/Conservatory (Lil’ Explorer Thursdays at the visitor center - 10am-12am)
Creative Kidstuff (fun store w/lots for kids to play with. I probably should buy something every once in a while too...)
Wild Rumpus Bookstore (storytimes on Monday mornings - 10:30am)
ECFE playtime/open gym (Riverview site in Brooklyn Park - Fridays 9:30-12pm; Sign-up for summer classes on May 14th!)
Minnesota Children’s Museum (get a membership if you plan to go often - its a little spendy!)
Twin City Model Railroad Museum (toy train division, train tables for kids to play with)
Hennepin County Libraries (most have story times that are great for kids of various ages)
Other places I have heard are good, but haven’t been to yet:
Midtown Global Market (Wee Wednesdays - activities for young children on Wednesday mornings)
Red Balloon Bookshop (toddler storytime on Thursdays - 10:30am)
Anoka Aquatic Center (outdoor pool/splash pad)
We're always looking for new places to go, so if you have one that's not listed here, please share it in a comment below or on our Facebook page. Desperate parents around the metro will thank you!