Mommy Guilt

Okay, what is the DEAL with "mommy guilt" anyway? We mothers seem to question every little thing we do, day in and day out. We are constantly wondering if we are doing "enough", if we're doing the "right" thing for our kids, our family, and ourselves (if we are even able to factor ourselves into the equation at all!). We beat ourselves up over the tiniest things and our heads are spinning with questions about what we are doing or not doing every second of the day. Am I a bad mom because I let them watch an extra half hour tv show today so I could finish cleaning the kitchen? Did I forget to wash their hands before they had lunch? Was I too harsh or not harsh enough when he threw that toy across the room? 

In the midst of it all I realize the little that I do will scar my children forever....but what are the things that will? 

How is it that we do everything "wrong" (or at least that's what it seems like we're always telling ourselves) and our children still continue to grow into the amazing little people that they are? Maybe its time that us mommies cut ourselves (and each other) some slack and realize that we're not so bad at this parent thing after all. 

Early childhood experts tell us that we should reinforce positive behavior instead of punishing bad behavior. I say its time to test that theory out on ourselves for a while and see if we don't feel a little better and enjoy our kids a little more.

Have a great day!

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